59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Kai attended the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, online, 2020.12.12-18. Kai held the TC meeting of disecrete-event systems (as the Chair).
63rd Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference
Moeto attended the 63rd Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, online, 2020.11.21-22, and presented our paper "Online supervisory control with optimal task assignment for efficient and adaptive warehouse automation".
2020 Workshop on Discrete Event Systems
Lihua and Kai attended Workshop on Discrete-Event Systems, online, 2020.11.11.13. Kai organized one special session focusing on applications, and Lihua gave a presentation on our paper.
58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Shoma and Kai attended the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France, 2019.12.10-14. Kai presented a paper co-authored with Satoshi and Masako, attended the TAC editorial meeting (as an AE), and held the TC meeting of disecrete-event systems (as the Chair). Shoma presented our paper...
Visit of Alessandro Giua as JSPS Fellow
Prof. Alessandro Giua (University of Cagliari) is visiting us as JSPS Fellow during 2019.10.12--11.01.
15th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
Kai attended the 15th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Vancouver, 2019.08.22-26. Kai presented a joint work with Alessandro Giua and Carla Seatzu at an Invited Session.
57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Satoshi and Kai attended the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Miami Beach, 2018.12.16-20. Kai attended the TAC editorial meeting (as an AE), and at the TC meeting of disecrete-event systems was appointed as the next chair starting from January 2019.
61st Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference
Shoma attended the 61st Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, Nagoya, 2018.11.17-18, and presented our paper "Secret securing with minimum cost".
Three new undergraduate students joined our group.
Kai is awarded the "Yoichiro Nambu Young Scientist Award" of Osaka City University.