

  1. Kai Cai, "Invitation to Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems: with Hands-On PyTCT", Kindle Direct Publishing, 2024. (website)
  2. Kai Cai and Zhiyun Lin, "Directed Cooperation of Multi-Agent Systems", Kindle Direct Publishing, 2023. (website)
  3. W.M. Wonham and Kai Cai, "Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems", Communications and Control Engineering, Springer, 2019. (website)
  4. Kai Cai and W.M. Wonham, "Supervisor Localization: A Top-Down Approach to Distributed Control of Discrete-Event Systems", Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol. 459, Springer, 2016. (website)

Journal Articles

Ongoing work 2025

  1. Y. Liu, Z. Cai, and K. Cai, "Markov clustering based fully automated nonblocking hierarchical supervisory control of large-scale discrete-event systems", submitted, 2024.
  2. R. Zhang, Z. Wang, and K. Cai, "Bounded-time nonblocking supervisory control of timed discrete-event systems", submitted, 2024.
  3. T. Ohtsuka, K. Cai, K. Kashima, "Data-informativity for data-driven supervisory control of discrete-event systems", submitted, 2024.


  1. M. Reniers and K. Cai, "Supervisory control theory with event forcing",IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, in press, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2024.3522024
  2. S. Matsui, K. Rudie, and K. Cai, "A two-pronged approach to security of discrete-event systems", Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, in press, 2024.
  3. Z. Ma and K. Cai, "Secret protection in discrete-event systems with generalized confidentiality requirements", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, in press, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2024.3481030
  4. F. Kudo and K. Cai, "Anytime multi-task multi-agent pickup and delivery under energy constraint", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 10145--10152, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2024.3471389
  5. R. Zhang, Z. Wang, and K. Cai, "Quantitative nonblocking supervisory control of discrete-event systems", Automatica, 2024. arXiv
  6. Y. Liu, L. Wu, R. Zhang, Z. Cai, K. Cai, "A new algorithm for supervisor reduction/localization of discrete-event systems", International Journal of Control, 2024. DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2024.2332518


  1. Z. Ma, J. Jiang, and K. Cai, "Secret protections with costs and disruptiveness in discrete-event systems using centralities", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2023.3323531
  2. F. Kudo and K. Cai, "A TSP-based online algorithm for multi-task multi-agent pickup and delivery", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 5910--5917, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2023.3301300
  3. S. Thuijsman, M. Reniers, and K. Cai, "Transformational supervisor localization", IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 1682--1687, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/LCSYS.2023.3278248
  4. K. Cai and M. Nagahara, "A new perspective on cooperative control of multi-agent systems through different types of graph laplacians", Advanced Robotics, vol. 37, no. 1-2, pp. 2--11, Jan. 2023. Online:


  1. K. Cai, "Data-driven supervisory control of discrete-event systems", Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (ISCIE), vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 359-364, Sep. 2022.
  2. K. Cai, A. Giua, and C. Seatzu, "Consistent reduction in discrete-event systems", Automatica, vol. 142, Aug. 2022. Online:
  3. Z. Ma and K. Cai, "On resilient supervisory control against actuator attacks in discrete event systems", IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 2942-2947, Apr. 2022. Online: [Fig.4 (correction), Fig.5 (correction)]


  1. S. Matsui and K. Cai, "Usability aware secret protection with minimum cost", Nonlinear Analysis and Hybrid Systems, vol. 43, Dec. 2021. Online:
  2. T. Imae and K. Cai, "Structural controllability and time-to-control of directed scale-free networks with minimum number of driver nodes", Systems & Control Letters, vol. 156, Oct. 2021. Online:
  3. Z. Ma and K. Cai, "Optimal secret protections in discrete-event systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 2816-2828, Jun. 2021. Online:
  4. S. Matsui and K. Cai, "Application of supervisory control to secret protection in discrete-event systems", Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), Special Issue on Event-Based Control in the IoT Era, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 14-20, Jan. 2021.


  1. M. Fujiwara, A. Dohms, K. Suto, Y. Nishimura, K. Oshimi, Y. Teki, K. Cai, O. Benson, and Y. Shikano, "Real-time estimation of the optically detected magnetic resonance shift in diamond quantum thermometry toward biological applications", Phys. Rev. Res. 8, 14773, 2020. Available on arXiv.
  2. R. Zhang and K. Cai, "Localization-based distributed control of timed discrete-event systems with communication delay", International Journal of Control, accepted, Apr. 4, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2020.1793000
  3. S. Kawamura, K. Cai, and M. Kishida, "Distributed output regulation of heterogeneous uncertain linear agents", Automatica, accepted, Oct. 2019. Available on ScienceDirect; also on arXiv.
  4. Y. Liu, K. Cai, and Z. Li, "Scalable supervisory control of multi-agent discrete-event systems", Automatica, accepted, Jul. 2019. online DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2019.06.012. Available on arXiv
  5. S. Kawamura, K. Cai, M. Ye, and Z. Lin, "Tight bound on parameter of surplus-based averaging algorithm over balanced digraphs", International Journal of Control, vol. 93, no. 8, pp. 1859-1866, Aug. 2020.
  6. W. Li, Z. Lin, K. Cai, and G. Yan, "Distributed algorithm for a finite time horizon resource allocation over a directed network", IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 1170-1182, Jun. 2020. DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2019.1404
  7. K. Cai, "Warehouse automation by logistic robotic networks -- a cyber-physical control approach", Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, vol. 21, pp. 693-704, May 2020. DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.2000156
  8. J. Zhang, K. You, and K. Cai, "Distributed conjugate gradient tracking for resource allocation in unbalanced networks", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 68, pp. 2186-2198, Mar. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2020.2981762. Also available on arXiv.
  9. R. Zhang and K. Cai, "Supervisor localization for large-scale discrete-event systems under partial observation", International Journal of Control, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 387-399, Mar. 2020. DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2018.1471220
  10. R. Zhang and K. Cai, "Supervisor localization of timed discrete-event systems under partial observation", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 295-301, Jan. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2019.2912008
  11. K. Cai and W.M. Wonham, "Supervisory control of discrete-event systems", Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, 2nd ed., Springer, 2020. online DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-5102-9_54-2


  1. T. Motoyama and K. Cai, “Top-down synthesis of multi-agent formation control: an eigenstructure assignment based approach”, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 1404-1414, Dec. 2019.
    Full version available on arXiv.
  2. K. Cai, "Supervispr localization", Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Nov. 2019. online. DOI: 10.1002/047134608X.W8402
  3. W. Li, Z. Lin, K. Cai, H. Zhou, G. Yan, "Multi-objective optimal charging control of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in power distribution systems", Energies, vol. 12, no.13, pp. 2563-2582, Jul. 2019.
  4. K. Cai, R. Zhang, and W.M. Wonham, "Relative coobservability in decentralized supervisory control of discrete-event systems", International Journal of Control, vol. 92, no. 7, pp. 1481-1489, Jul. 2019. DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2017.1397754


  1. Y. Tatsumoto, M. Shiraishi, K. Cai, Z. Lin, "Application of online supervisory control of discrete-event systems to multi-robot warehouse automation", Control Engineering Practice, vol. 81, pp. 97-104, Dec. 2018.
  2. T. Imae and K. Cai, "On algebraic connectivity of directed scale-free networks", Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 355, no. 16, pp. 8065-8078, Nov. 2018.
  3. W.M. Wonham, K. Cai, and K. Rudie, "Supervisory control of discrete-event systems: a brief history", Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 45, pp. 250-256, 2018.
  4. K. Cai, R. Zhang, and W.M. Wonham, "Characterizations and effective computation of supremal relatively observable sublanguages", Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 269-287, 2018.
  5. Y. Tatsumoto, M. Shiraishi, K. Cai, "Application of Supervisory Control Theory with Warehouse Automation Case Study", Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (ISCIE), Special Issue on Event-Driven Approach to System Design -- Application and Development, vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 203-208, 2018.


  1. Y. Xu, G. Yan, K. Cai, Z. Lin, "Fast centralized integer resource allocation algorithm and its distributed extension over digraphs", Neurocomputing, vol. 270, pp. 91-100, Dec. 2017.
  2. R. Zhang, K. Cai, and W.M. Wonham, "Supervisor localization of discrete-event systems under partial observation", Automatica, vol. 81, no. 7, pp. 142-147, Jul. 2017.
  3. Y. Xu, T. Han, K. Cai, Z. Lin, G. Yan, and M. Fu, "A distributed algorithm for resource allocation over dynamic digraphs", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 2600-2612, May 2017.
  4. K. Cai, R. Zhang, W.M. Wonham, "Correction to 'Relative observability of discrete-event systems and its supremal sublanguages'", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 511, Nov. 2017.


  1. K. Cai, R. Zhang, and W.M. Wonham, "Relative observability and coobservability of timed discrete-event systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 61, no. 11, pp. 3382-3395, Nov. 2016.
  2. R. Zhang, K. Cai, Y. Gan, and W.M. Wonham, "Delay-robustness in distributed control of timed discrete-event systems based on supervisor localization", International Journal of Control, vol. 89, no. 10, pp. 2055-2072, Oct. 2016.
  3. R. Zhang, K. Cai, Y. Gan, Z. Wang, and W.M. Wonham, "Distributed supervisory control of discrete-event systems with communication delay", Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 263-293, Jun. 2016.


  1. K. Cai and W.M. Wonham, "New results on supervisor localization, with case studies", Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 25, no. 1-2, pp. 203-226, Jun. 2015.
  2. K. Cai, R. Zhang, and W.M. Wonham, "Relative observability of discrete-event systems and its supremal sublanguages", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 659-670, Mar. 2015.
  3. K. Cai, B. D.O. Anderson, C. Yu, and G. Mao, "Local average consensus in distributed measurement of spatial-temporal varying parameters: 1d case", Automatica, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 135-145, Feb. 2015.


  1. K. Cai and W.M. Wonham, "Supervisor localization of discrete-event systems based on state tree structures", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 1329-1335, May 2014.
  2. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Average consensus on arbitrary strongly connected digraphs with time-varying topologies", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 1066-1071, Apr. 2014.


  1. R. Zhang, K. Cai, Y. Gan, Z. Wang, and W.M. Wonham, "Supervision localization of timed discrete-event systems", Automatica, vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 2786-2794, Sep. 2013.


  1. K. Cai, "Averaging over general random networks", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 3186-3191 , Dec. 2012.
  2. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Average consensus on general strongly connected digraphs", Automatica, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 2750-2761, Nov. 2012.
  3. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Convergence time analysis of quantized gossip consensus on digraphs", Automatica, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 2344-2351, Sep. 2012.


  1. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Quantized consensus and averaging on gossip digraphs", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 2087-2100, Sep. 2011.
  2. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Quantized average consensus on gossip digraphs with reduced computation", SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Special Issue on Advances in Networking for Distributed Control and Measurement, vol.4, no. 3, pp. 236-242, May 2011.


  1. K. Cai and W.M. Wonham, "Supervisor localization for large discrete-event systems -- case study Production Cell", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 50, no. 9-12, pp. 1189-1202, Oct. 2010.
  2. K. Cai and W.M. Wonham, "Supervisor localization: a top-down approach to distributed control of discrete-event systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 605-618, Mar. 2010.


  1. L. Feng, K. Cai, and W.M. Wonham, "A structural approach to the nonblocking supervisory control of discrete-event systems", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 41, no. 11-12, pp. 1152-1168, Apr. 2009.

Conference Papers


  1. K. Fuchiwaki and K. Cai, "Marking data-informativity and data-driven supervisory control of discrete-event systems", in Proc. the 67th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, Himeji, Japan, Nov. 2024.
  2. T. Takayasu, Y. Kawano, and K. Cai, "Optimal privacy aware control design for protecting systems matrices", in Proc. the 67th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, Himeji, Japan, Nov. 2024.
  3. H. Takahashi and K. Cai, "Efficient supervisory control algorithm for collision and deadlock free multi-agent path planning", in Proc. the 67th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, Himeji, Japan, Nov. 2024.
  4. T. Li, X. Shen, K. Hashimoto, K. Cai, Y. Yan, and S. Takai, "Incorportating parameter and distributional uncertainty in social force models for pedestrian motion prediction", in Proc. the 67th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, Himeji, Japan, Nov. 2024.
  5. S. Matsui, K. Cai, and K. Rudie, "Distributed secret securing in discrete-event systems", In Proc. American Control Conference, Toronto, ON, Jul., 2024.
  6. C. Gu, C. Gao, and K. Cai, "Data-driven supervisory control of discrete-event systems with forcible events", in Proc. IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2024.
  7. Y. Tong, C. Seatzu, and K. Cai, "Resilient supervisory control under the detection-protection mechanism of discrete-event systems against actuator attacks", in Proc. IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2024.
  8. T. Takayasu, K. Cai, and Y. Kawano, "Differentially private mechanisms for protecting systems matrix of linear time-invariant autonomous systems", in Proc. SICE Multi-Symposium on Control Systems, Hiroshima, Japan, Feb. 2024.


  1. T. Ohtsuka, K. Cai, and K. Kashima "Data-informativity for data-driven supervisory control of discrete-event systems", in Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 6917-6922, Singapore, Dec. 2023.
  2. S. Thuijsman, M. Reniers, and K. Cai, "Transformational supervisor localization", in Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 6899-6904, Singapore, Dec. 2023.
  3. M. Kimura, M. Fujimoto, and K. Cai, "Smart nudge system using autonomous robots", in Proc. the 66th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, Sendai, Japan, Oct. 2023.
  4. M. Kimura, M. Fujimoto, and K. Cai, "Online supervisory control for safe and adaptive human-in-the-loop warehouse logistic automation", in Proc. the 66th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, Sendai, Japan, Oct. 2023.
  5. Z. Ma and K. Cai, "Optimal secret protection in discrete event systems with dynamic clearance levels", in Proc. IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, Jul. 2023.


  1. M. Konishi, T. Sasaki, and K. Cai, "Efficient safe control via deep reinforcement learning and supervisory control -- case study on multi-robot warehouse automation", in Proc. IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Prague, Czechia, Sep. 2022.
  2. S. Thuijsman, M. Reniers, and K. Cai, "Transformational nonblocking verification", in Proc. IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Prague, Czechia, Sep. 2022.
  3. J. Jiang, Z. Ma and K. Cai, "Secret protections in discrete-event systems with minimum costs", in Proc. American Control Conference, Atlanta, GA, Jun. 2022.


  1. S. Pruekprasert and K. Cai, "Local opacity verification for distributed discrete event systems", in Proc. the 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 7022-7027, Austin, TX, Dec. 2021.
  2. R. Zhang, Z. Wang, and K. Cai, "N-step nonblocking supervisory control of discrete-event systems", in Proc. the 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 339-344, Austin, TX, Dec. 2021.
  3. M. Konishi, T. Sasaki, and K. Cai, "On efficient safe control based on supervisory control theory and deep reinforcement learning", in Proc. the 64th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, pp. 388-393, Kyoto, Nov. 2021.
  4. M. Kasahara and K. Cai, "Online multi-agent supervisory control for warehouse automation: prioritized tasks", presented at the 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Lyon, France, Aug. 2021.
  5. M. Kasahara and K. Cai, "Online multi-agent supervisory control for warehouse automation: heterogeneous payloads", presented at the 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Bari, Italy, Jun. 2021.


  1. M. Kasahara and K. Cai, "Online supervisory control with optimal task assignment for efficient and adaptive warehouse automation", in Proceeding of the 63rd Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, pp. 90-93, Japan, Nov. 2020.
  2. L. Wu, K. Cai, R. Zhang, and Y. Liu, "An O(n^2) algorithm for supervisor reduction/localization of discrete-event systems", in Proceeding of Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, pp. 211-216, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 2020.


  1. S. Matsui and K. Cai, "Secret securing with multiple protections and minimum costs", in Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 7635-7640, Nice, France, Dec. 2019.
  2. S. Kawamura, K. Cai, and M. Kishida, "Robust output regulation of networked heterogeneous linear agents by distributed internal model principle", in Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 7301-7306, Nice, France, Dec. 2019.
  3. K. Cai, A. Giua, and C. Seatzu, "On consistent reduction in discrete-event systems", in Proceeding of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, pp.474-479, Vancouver, Canada, Aug. 2019.


  1. S. Matsui and K. Cai, "Secret securing with minimum cost", in Proceeding of the 61st Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, pp. 1017-1024, Nagoya, Japan, Nov. 2018.
  2. M. Shiraishi, Y. Tatsumoto, K. Cai, and Z. Lin, "Online supervisory control of multi-agent discrete-event systems with warehouse automation case study", in Proceeding of SICE Annual Conference, pp. 1059-1062, Nara, Japan, Sep. 2018.
  3. Y. Tong, K. Cai, and A. Giua, "Decentralized opacity enforcement in discrete event systems using supervisory control", in Proceeding of SICE Annual Conference, pp. 1053-1058, Nara, Japan, Sep. 2018.
  4. S. Kawamura and K. Cai, "Further study on parameter bound of surplus-based averaging algorithm", in Proceeding of the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pp. 787-790, Hong Kong, Jul. 2018.
  5. T. Imae and K. Cai, "On spectral properties of directed scale-free networks", in Proceeding of the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pp. 828-830, Hong Kong, Jul. 2018.
  6. R. Zhang and K. Cai, "Localization-based distributed control for large discrete-event systems under partial observation", in Proceeding of the 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, pp. 1492-1497, Shenyang, China, Jun. 2018.
  7. R. Zhang and K. Cai, "Supervisor localization of discrete-event systems with infinite behavior", in Proceeding of Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, pp. 372-377, Sorrento, Italy, May 2018.
  8. Y. Liu, K. Cai, Z. Li, "On scalable supervisory control of multi-agent discrete-event systems", in Proceeding of Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, pp. 36-41, Sorrento, Italy, May 2018.


  1. T. Imae and K. Cai, "Algebraic connectivity of directed scale-free networks", in Proceeding of the 60th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, pp. 1275-1278, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2017.
  2. S. Kawamura and K. Cai, "Tight bound on parameter of surplus-based averaging algorithm over balanced digraphs", in Proceeding of the 60th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, pp. 1271-1274, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2017.
  3. W.M. Wonham, K. Cai, and K. Rudie, "Supervisory control of discrete-event systems: a brief history -- 1980-2015", in Proceeding of the 20th IFAC World Congress, pp. 1827-1833, Toulouse, France, Jul. 2017.
  4. T. Motoyama and K. Cai, "Top-down synthesis of multi-agent formation control: an eigenstructure assignment based approach", in Proceeding of American Control Conference, pp. 259-264, Seattle, WA, May 2017.


  1. R. Zhang and K. Cai, "Supervisor localization of timed discrete-event systems under partial observation", in Proceeding of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'16), pp. 4752-4757, Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 2016.
  2. T. Motoyama, K. Cai, and S. Hara, "Hierarchical formation control of multi-agent system by eigenstructure assignment", in Proceeding of the 59th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, ID ThA5-4, Kitakyushu, Japan, Nov. 2016.
  3. R. Zhang and K. Cai, "On supervisor localization based distributed control of discrete-event systems under partial observation", in Proceeding of American Control Conference, pp. 764-769, Boston, MA, Jul. 2016.
  4. K. Cai and W.M. Wonham, "A new algorithm for computing the supremal relatively observable sublanguage", in Proceeding of International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, pp. 8-13, Xi'an, China, May 2016.


  1. K. Cai and T. Motoyama, "Eigenstructure assignment for synthesis of multi-agent consensus algorithms", in Proceeding of the 58th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, ID 2B1-2, Kobe, Japan, Nov. 2015.
  2. R. Zhang, K. Cai, "Online computation of supremal relatively observable sublanguage of discrete-event systems", in Proceeding of the 34th Chinese Control Conference, pp. 2263-2267, Hangzhou, China, Jul. 2015.
  3. K. Cai, R. Zhang, W.M. Wonham, "On relative coobservability of discrete-event systems", in Proceeding of American Control Conference, pp. 371-376, Chicago, IL, Jul. 2015.
  4. Y. Xu, T. Han, K. Cai, Z. Lin, "A fully distributed approach to resource allocation problem under directed and switching topologies", in Proceeding of the 10th Asian Control Conference, Kota Kinabalu, Malasia, 2015.
  5. K. Cai, "On reliable surplus-based averaging and optimization algorithms under communication constraints", in Proceeding of the 59th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (ISCIE), ID 311-6, Osaka, Japan, May 2015.


  1. R. Zhang, K. Cai, W.M. Wonham, "Delay-robustness in distributed control of timed discrete-event systems based on supervisor localization", in Proceeding of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'14), pp. 6719-6724, Los Angeles, CA, Dec. 2014.
  2. K. Cai, R. Zhang, W.M. Wonham, "On relative observability of timed discrete-event systems", in Proceeding of International Workshop on Discrete-Event Systems (WODES'14), pp. 208-213, Cachan, France, May 2014.


  1. K. Cai, R. Zhang, W.M. Wonham, "On relative observability of discrete-event systems", in Proceeding of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'13), pp. 7285-7290, Florence, Italy, Dec. 2013.
  2. K. Cai, B. D.O. Anderson, C. Yu, "Local average consensus in distributed measurement of spatial-temporal varying parameters: 1d case", in Proceeding of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'13), pp. 2139-2144, Florence, Italy, Dec. 2013.
  3. K. Cai, R. Zhang, W.M. Wonham, "Supervision localization of timed discrete-event systems", in Proceeding of American Control Conference, pp. 5686-5691, Washington D.C., Jun. 2013.


  1. K. Cai and W.M. Wonham, "Supervisor localization of discrete-event systems based on state tree structures", in Proceeding of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'12), pp. 5822-5827, Maui, HI, Dec. 2012.
  2. Renyuan Zhang, Kai Cai, Yongmei Gan, Zhaoan Wang, and W.M. Wonham, "Checking delay-robustness of distributed supervisors of discrete-event systems", IET International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering, pp. 350-355, Shenzhen, China, Dec. 2012.
  3. K. Cai and W.M. Wonham, "New results on supervisor localization, with application to multi-agent formations", in Proceeding of International Workshop on Discrete-Event Systems (WODES'12), pp. 233-238, Guadalajara, Mexico, Oct. 2012.
  4. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Average consensus on arbitrary strongly connected digraphs with dynamic topologies", in Proceeding of American Control Conference (ACC'12), pp. 14-19, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2012.


  1. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Average consensus on general digraphs", in Proceeding of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC'11), pp. 1956-1961, Orlando, FL, US, Dec. 2011.
  2. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Average consensus on general digraphs", in Proceeding of the 11th SICE Annual Conference on Control Systems, ID 175-1-2, Okinawa, Japan, Mar. 2011.


  1. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Convergence time analysis of quantized gossip algorithms on digraphs", in Proceeding of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'10), pp. 7669-7674, Atlanta, GA, US, Dec. 2010.
  2. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Convergence time analysis of quantized consensus algorithms on gossip digraphs", in Proceeding of the 39th SICE Symposium on Control Theory, pp. 249-252, Osaka, Japan, Sep. 2010.
  3. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Further results on randomized quantized averaging: a surplus-based approach", in Proceeding of IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC'10), pp. 1558-1563, Yokohama, Japan, Sep. 2010.
  4. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Gossip consensus and averaging algorithms with quantization", in Proceeding of American Control Conference (ACC'10), pp. 6306-6311, Baltimore, MD, US, Jun. 2010.


  1. K. Cai and H. Ishii, "Quantized consensus on gossip digraphs", in Proceeding of the 38th SICE Symposium on Control Theory, pp. 281-284, Osaka, Japan, Sep. 2009.
  2. K. Cai and W.M. Wonham, "Supervisor localization for large-scale discrete-event systems", in Proceeding of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference (CDC-CCC'09), pp. 3099-3105, Shanghai, China, Dec. 2009.
  3. K. Cai and W.M. Wonham, "Supervisor localization: a top-down approach to distributed control of discrete-event systems", in Proceeding of the 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Intelligent Systems and Automation, vol. 1107, pp. 302-308, Zarzis, Tunisia, Mar. 2009.


Ph.D. Thesis

Kai Cai, "Multi-Agent Consensus and Averaging on General Network Topology", Department of Computational Intelligence and Systems Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2011 (Advisor: H. Ishii).

Master Thesis

Kai Cai, "Supervisor Localization: A Top-Down Approach to Distributed Control of Discrete-Event Systems", Systems Control Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, 2008 (Advisor: W.M. Wonham).


K. Cai, "Life-Changing Experience: My Four Years in Toronto’s Systems Control Group", Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (ISCIE), vol. 62, no. 11, pp. 461-465, 2018.

K. Cai, “Discrete-event control theory for flexible manufacturing”, part of “The Impact of Control Technology, 2nd ed.”, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2014.